Is Your Child Ready For Daycare?

Posted on: 7 March 2023

You might be ready to put your child in daycare, but are they ready to go? Even if you absolutely have to put them in daycare due to having to work or other responsibilities, your child may need to be eased into the transition over time. If your child is excited to go to daycare, even if they have a few reservations, then they're on the right track to being ready. Otherwise, or in addition to being excited to go, check these other signs that your child is ready to go to a daycare center. Knowing your child is ready brings great peace of mind and allows you to feel confident in leaving your child in daycare while you attend to other things.

They can be away from you without getting very upset

Does your child easily play over at a friend's or family member's home without issue? Do they play on their own at home and not have issues at school with friends? Your child may be prepared to go to a daycare center if they are relatively autonomous and don't have to be around you all the time.

They are starting to ask when they are going to daycare

Have you taken your child to a daycare center to explore the premises and see if the facility is a good fit, and then started asking when they are going to go back? Your child may be showing an interest in going to a daycare, which is a good sign. Does your child ask about going to a daycare center when you drive by one at random, and if so, what are they most intrigued about? Is it the outside toys? The other children? There are several ways your child may be indicating they are ready for daycare, and asking when they are going to go is just one of them.

They are starting to complain of being bored or lonely

What makes a daycare center so great is that children can have playmates, make friends, and be entertained in a variety of ways. Lots of daycare centers even double as preschool and other types of school activity centers, making them great for kids who want to socialize and be entertained and engaged in activities. Your child is ready for a child care program if they are bored and expressing an interest in making some friends. These are all great signs that your child is ready to be put into daycare.

For more information, contact a daycare center near you.
