Should You Put Your Little One in Daycare When You Work From Home?

Posted on: 29 May 2020

When you work from home as a remote employee, you face a whole new dilemma that many other working parents don't face: whether you should keep your children home with you or put them in a daycare setting.

Daycare services work to socialize and take care of your child when you are away from them. Use this guide to help you decide if putting your child in daycare is best for your unique working situation.

How often do you work?

What are your work hours? Are you the sole parent home with your child during your working hours? If so, then you may want to consider daycare services since most of your time at home with your child will be while you're on the clock.

However, if you are a part-time worker, you can consider keeping your little one home with you or putting them in daycare every other day or so. If a majority of your child's day is spent with you able to give them the one-on-one attention they need, then daycare can be used to give you and your little one a break from your work-at-home routine.

How flexible is your work?

Is your work flexible, or do you have to clock in at the same time every day and really track your hours? How flexible are your deadlines? Do you have to work in a quiet environment?

In other words, how child-friendly is your remote job? If you're a work at home writer, for example, you can possibly work your deadlines around your child's schedule and daycare is something you can use every now and then. However, if you run an office from home, then having your child engage in daycare services is beneficial for everyone.

How available is the other parent?

Does your significant other or the other parent of your child work the same hours you do? Are they a stay-at-home parent who is capable of watching your child while you work from home? Are you able to take turns watching your little one?

Manage your child between everyone's busy schedules where you can, but if things get to be too stressful and you find your child feeling neglected or your work too stressful, use daycare services to assist you.

Remember, going to daycare is a positive experience and allows your child to not just socialize, but get used to different environments as well. Explore a few daycare facilities in your area before selecting one that works best for your needs.
